Did you know there are different types of childcare programs? Different programs differ based on various characteristics such as a child’s age, part-time or full-time care, group care, licensed or unlicensed childcare, etc. Understanding the different types of childcare can help you choose the right center for your child. Here are 6 types of childcare in British Columbia.
To understand the difference between licensed and unlicensed childcare facilities, you can check out our blog post using this link.
This type of childcare can range from a total of 12 to 25 children. Both programs offer full or part-time options.
This type of program is operated with the school year schedule from September to June. The hours will vary from 1 to 4 hours or more like a half-day program. Children participating in the preschool program will range from 2.5 to school age with a classroom size of 20 children.
The information in this blog has been sourced by the Canadian government of British Columbia https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/caring-for-young-children/how-to-access-child-care/licensed-unlicensed-child-care.