The premise in Georgi’s Home Daycare is that children are active learners, who learn best from activities with which they are actively involved and interested. The role of the educator is to guide, and help children predict, observe, describe, explain, manipulate, hypothesize and find alternatives and solve problems.That means the educator offers opportunities to develop independence, self esteem, self motivation, self regulation, creativity and problem solving, and also opportunities to develop social and emotional skills.
Also encourage them to learn through play and discover. We firmly believe that the child enhance his or her development in a healthy, well planned environment, focused on the child’s needs and interest, where the child plays, learns and overall has fun, and enjoy the interaction with other children and adults in a respectful way.
Georgi’s Home Daycare provides an enriched and safe environment, focused on prevention rather than control situations. We believe that by providing an enriched environment which exceed the health and safe standards, it not only promotes an enhances social emotional, intellectual and language development, but also integrate the multicultural values and reflects the individuality, as well as respect of the children and families’ cultural values, religious, believes, and thoughts.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | Closed | Closed |
We develop the Curriculum base in our work with children and taking into consideration the Early Learning Framework.
Explore and Creativity: Give the children the opportunity to explore the surrounding and create, transform using their imagination.
Math: The children had the opportunity to practice, colours, shapes, counting, classification, seriation, grouping, simple adding , recognize numbers from 0-10, count in sequence from 1 to 10, at least, sort classify and order by attribute, describe shapes, describe location: beside, behind, etc,, identify passage of time and similarities and difference of the objects.
Language: In circle time we read and tell stories, using puppets, felt stories or finger play as well as songs . The children will be able to hold the book, listen to story, identify signs and symbols, identify letters, recall information, tell stories in their own words, describe objects.
Science: We develop simple experiment with children. We grow our own plants, with the butterfly cycle . We use simple tools, make comparisons, use senses, ask questions, recognize similarities and difference between plants and animals.
Social : Follow routines, contribute to the clean up and maintenance of the environment, take turns. Take care of personal belongings, respect belongings of others.
History and Culture: We have multicultural celebration and talk about history and culture and characteristic of different countries.
Art: the children has access to different techniques. They explore elements of art and they will be able to describe his or her personal art work.
Health and Nutrition: They will learn healthy habits, Example cover your mouth when cough, washing hands.
Music : children sing a variety of rhymes, songs and dancing is part of our daily routine we also practice yoga.
Technology: We use technology, iPad and computers to reinforce concepts and explore them. They will be able to use a mouse and click in the piece that we need to make a puzzle for example. We provide educational programs for children 2, 3 and 4 years old.
Physical Education: discovers personal and general space, explore locomotor movements, explore pathways , balance, explore speed, explore movement through different rhythmic beats, imitating animal movement Participate in moderate physical activities.
Ability to breath slowly and relax
Foreign Language: the children are expose to Spanish lessons weekly. They will learn to recognize different commands in Spanish, colours and numbers as well as simple words. They will learn to answer simple questions in Spanish. We will sing with them and teach them poems in Spanish.
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | 8:00 AM 5:30 PM | - | - |