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Open Today
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
738 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Google map to 738 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Current availability
From Jun 30th, 2022
About us

My name is Margareta Berceanu. I speak Romanian as a first language. French is my second language as I started learning it when I was 9 years old.

Moving to Canada, I decided to attend college and improve my teaching skills, in hopes of becoming an Early Childhood Educator (which I did, graduating from Vancouver Community College).

Among others, the main reasons I enjoy working with children are that they are “honest little persons”. They let one know immediately if something is wrong, and they appreciate any help received. I am a different person when I become part of their play. It only takes a few words, or a little gesture to make a child happy.

I consider myself a good educator because I know how to guide children’s play to aid their social-emotional, physical and cognitive development. In addition, I love to hear the “unexpected answers” that children often give. After all, kids say the darndest things!

I enjoy cooking and baking with children, I love exploring the public library, I love to play with colors (paint, fabrics, yarn, beads, leaves, flowers), and making mini “art works” which develop children’s artistic sense.

I hope I have answered some of your questions throughout this introduction and I look forward to meet you in person and answer additional questions you might have with respect to my background and my personality.

General Program
Age Group(s) 6 Weeks - 60 Months
$338 / Week
$1350 / Month
Business hours
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
5:00 PM
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Open Today
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
738 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Google map to 738 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada
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